Botswana-29th Session, January 2018-Women's and / or girls' rights

National Report

Para 89) Through print and electronic media as well Crime Prevention awareness programme, the Botswana Police Service sensitizes the public and targeted vulnerable groups, in particular women and girls on various human rights issues.

Para 111) To ensure that women continue to enjoy their full human rights, Government established the National Gender Commission to monitor implementation of the National Policy on Gender and Development which emphasises gender mainstreaming across sectors. In addition, the Commission monitors the environment to ensure that women and men equally access the socio-economic, cultural and political opportunities in the Country. Furthermore, Government established the High Level Inter-Ministerial Committee on GBV to guide the National GBV Response. Establishment of District Gender Committees also continues and a total of thirteen (13) committees were established during the reporting period. Further, the Five Year National Comprehensive Plan to Remove Human Rights and Gender Related Barriers to HIV and TB identifies harmful gender norms and cultural values as drivers of GBV. As such, Botswana started implementing the seven key programmes to reduce stigma and discrimination recommended by the UNAIDS.

State under Review
Stakeholder Summary

Para 63) Noting the existence of mechanisms to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women, JS1 stated all of these mechanism were rooted in a heteronormative framework that did not include lesbian, bisexual, queer and transgender women.

UN Compilation

Para 16) The HR Committee expressed concern about the persistence of customary laws and practices that were discriminatory against women, in particular in relation to marriage and family relations, inheritance, property rights and legal guardianship by men of unmarried women.

Para 69) Expressing concerns about the disproportionate levels of poverty among women and the limited access for women to land and housing, …

Para 70) Noting with concern the marginalization of Indigenous women in relation to their political rights and the loss of their cultural and tribal identities, …