Displaying 1 - 25 of 62336 recommendations found
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:National ReportIssue:
- Maternal health / morbidity / mortality
Type:Review DocumentationSession:5th session, May 2009Status:N/AContents:National public health and nutrition strategy of Afghanistan: Based on ANDS objectives, this strategy was adopted in 2008. ... The anticipated outcomes of this strategy are to increase access to basic health services from 65 per cent in 2006 to 90 per cent in 2010, to reduce maternal mortality ratio from 1,600 per 100,000 live births in 2000, to 15 per cent meaning 1,360 per 100,000 live births in 2010, and to 21 per cent (1,246) by 2013 from the baseline and to 50 per cent (800) by 2015 from the baseline. [Para 46] -
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:National ReportIssue:
- Sexual harassment
- Birth registration
- Gender equality
- Violence against women / gender-based violence
- Women's and / or girls' rights
Type:Review DocumentationSession:5th session, May 2009Status:N/AContents:Based on realities of Afghanistan, the following recommendations are proposed for the areas of legislation, reforms in the judicial sector, adopting new policies on human rights, and creating mechanisms for the protection, support, and monitoring of human rights, in cooperation with international community: ... 7. Assign professional defense lawyers, especially women advocates for ensuring fair trail; ... 13. Adopt of the strategy for elimination of violence against women; ... 24. Launch extensive community awareness programs aimed at addressing sexual harassment, smuggling, and forced labour; ... 26. Adopt necessary mechanisms for greater access of deprived children to formal education through launching village schools with special attention to girls' education and employment of further female teachers; ... 31. Create mechanism for registration of child birth, marriage, divorce and identity card offices throughout the country ... [Para 90] -
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:NicaraguaNicaraguaRegional groupGRULACPolitical groupOASOEIACSIssue:
- Women's and / or girls' rights
Type:RecommendationSession:18th session, February 2014Status:AcceptedContents:Take into account the outcomes of this universal periodic review in the process of transformation and national reconstruction and pay particular attention to the most vulnerable social groups, among which, women and children. -
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:BahrainBahrainRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICALIssue:
- Gender equality
Type:RecommendationSession:5th session, May 2009Status:AcceptedContents:Expedite the implementation of all measures to address the situation of vulnerable groups in particular women and children.Implementation -
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:BahrainBahrainRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICALIssue:
- Women's and / or girls' rights
- Empowerment of women
- Women's participation
Type:RecommendationSession:18th session, February 2014Status:AcceptedContents:Comply with its CEDAW obligations, and undertake further steps to empower women at all levels by creating more employment opportunities and increasing their rights in participation in decision-making.Implementation -
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:Stakeholder SummaryIssue:
- Women's and / or girls' rights
Type:Review DocumentationSession:5th session, May 2009Status:NeglectedContents:A model marriage contract was accepted by Afghanistan's Supreme Court and being disseminated widely within the country. [Para 47] -
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:ChileChileRegional groupGRULACPolitical groupOASOEIIssue:
- Gender equality
Type:RecommendationSession:18th session, February 2014Status:AcceptedContents:Advance in the application of legislative measures aiming at the prohibition of discrimination in education, in particular in the rural areas, with a view to promoting gender equality.Implementation -
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:United StatesUnited StatesRegional groupWEOGPolitical groupOASIssue:
- Violence against women / gender-based violence
- Human rights defenders
Type:RecommendationSession:18th session, February 2014Status:AcceptedContents:Take measurable steps to fully implement the Elimination of Violence Against Women law, and investigate thoroughly all suspected cases of gender based violence and violence against defenders of women's rights and bring those responsible to justice.Implementation -
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:SwedenSwedenRegional groupWEOGPolitical groupEUIssue:
- Violence against women / gender-based violence
Type:RecommendationSession:18th session, February 2014Status:AcceptedContents:Reinforce efforts to implement the Law on the Elimination of Violence against Women in order to support the establishment of specialized police and prosecutions units; to track the number of cases brought under the Law; and to investigate provinces or districts with low numbers of prosecutions.Implementation -
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:TunisiaTunisiaRegional groupAfrica GroupPolitical groupAUOICALOIFIssue:
- International human rights instruments
- Gender equality
Type:RecommendationSession:18th session, February 2014Status:Unclear ResponseContents:Ratify the ... OP-CEDAW.ExplanationThe Islamic Republic of Afghanistan wants to review and assess these recommendations until the translation and assessment of barriers and their implementation opportunity. Most of these recommendations require Afghanistan accession to some conventions and their optional protocols. Since accession to some conventions and their optional protocols is a long process and needs extensive consultation and professional studies, therefore, the Government of Afghanistan scrutinize the above Recommendations once again. -
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:UN CompilationIssue:
- Women's and / or girls' rights
Type:Review DocumentationSession:31st Session, November 2018Status:Reference AddressedContents:The Committee against Torture urged Afghanistan ... to take all measures, including legal, to ensure that virginity tests were prohibited and that all officials ordering virginity tests were adequately sanctioned. [Para 50]
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:LiechtensteinLiechtensteinRegional groupWEOGIssue:
- Gender equality
- Women's and / or girls' rights
- Women's participation
Type:QuestionSession:18th session, February 2014Status:Not Followed up with a RecommendationContents:Liechtenstein notes with satisfaction the establishment of the Elite Women's Advisory Board, which aim is to ensure women's engagement in the peace process at all levels of the Government. However, Liechtenstein is deeply concerned that women's meaningful and effective participation in the peace and reconciliation process is being jeopardized by several factors, in particular, the limited number of women members of the High Peace Council (9 of 70 members).
What measures have been implemented to increase the representation of women in the High Peace Council?
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:CroatiaCroatiaRegional groupEEGPolitical groupEUIssue:
- International human rights instruments
Type:RecommendationSession:32nd Session, January 2019Status:Unclear ResponseContents:Ratify the OP-CEDAW.
ExplanationNoted. The content of the noted recommendations is either accession to a particular international human rights instruments asked for abolition of the death penalty and/ or establishing a moratorium on executions, and reducing the number of crimes carrying capital punishment. Each clustered recommendation will be explained as follows:
(a) Accession to international human rights instruments: Afghanistan is already a state party to seven core International Human Rights Conventions and three optional protocols that demonstrates its commitment to promote and protect human rights. Taking into consideration the fact that the accession to international human rights instruments obligates the state party to ensure the compliance of its provisions at the national level, Afghanistan is willing to review its national structures prior to considering the accession to further international human rights instruments and thereafter decides upon them in due time.
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:UN CompilationIssue:
- Gender equality
Type:Review DocumentationSession:18th session, February 2014Status:NeglectedContents:... It urged Afghanistan to ... take temporary special measures to redress the gender imbalance. [Para 21; CESCR] -
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:UkraineUkraineRegional groupEEGPolitical groupCISIssue:
- Women's participation
Type:RecommendationSession:32nd Session, January 2019Status:AcceptedContents:Allocate financial resources for efficient implementation of national action plan on UN Security Council resolution 1325.
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:AustraliaAustraliaRegional groupWEOGPolitical groupPIFCommonwealthIssue:
- Women's and / or girls' rights
Type:RecommendationSession:5th session, May 2009Status:AcceptedContents:Take promptly any necessary action to comply with any findings of the review of the draft Shia Personal Status Law with the Constitution.Implementation -
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:IcelandIcelandRegional groupWEOGIssue:
- Human rights defenders
Type:RecommendationSession:32nd Session, January 2019Status:AcceptedContents:Take all measures to protect and support journalists, human rights defenders, including women human rights defenders, humanitarian workers and civil society organizations; investigate all attacks against them; and bring the perpetrators to justice.
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:MexicoMexicoRegional groupGRULACPolitical groupOASOEIACSIssue:
- Gender equality
Type:RecommendationSession:32nd Session, January 2019Status:AcceptedContents:Strengthen programs for literacy and access to education in a safe environment, with particular attention to girls, boys and women, internally displaced persons and persons with disabilities.
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:DenmarkDenmarkRegional groupWEOGPolitical groupEUIssue:
- Violence against women / gender-based violence
Type:RecommendationSession:32nd Session, January 2019Status:AcceptedContents:Push for the National Assembly’s approval of The Law on Elimination of Violence Against Women and ensure that the Law is fully enforced.
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:PortugalPortugalRegional groupWEOGPolitical groupEUOEIIssue:
- Violence against women / gender-based violence
Type:RecommendationSession:32nd Session, January 2019Status:AcceptedContents:Implement fully the national strategy and action plan on the elimination of violence against women, as previously recommended.
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:FranceFranceRegional groupWEOGPolitical groupEUOIFIssue:
- Violence against women / gender-based violence
- Women's and / or girls' rights
Type:RecommendationSession:32nd Session, January 2019Status:AcceptedContents:Protect the rights of the child including girls, notably in the area of access to education and protection against all types of violence.
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:DenmarkDenmarkRegional groupWEOGPolitical groupEUIssue:
- International human rights instruments
- Gender equality
Type:RecommendationSession:5th session, May 2009Status:AcceptedContents:Take timely and efficient measures to ensure that the national legal framework properly incorporates international standards and conventions, ratified by Afghanistan, pertaining to women's rights, for example CEDAW.Implementation -
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:Republic of KoreaRepublic of KoreaRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupIssue:
- Violence against women / gender-based violence
- Women's and / or girls' rights
Type:RecommendationSession:46th Session, April 2024Status:AcceptedContents:Comply with the CEDAW, by preventing violence and eliminating discrimination against women and girls, including with regard to the rights to education, work, and freedom of movement.
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:KyrgyzstanKyrgyzstanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICCISIssue:
- Women's participation
Type:RecommendationSession:46th Session, April 2024Status:AcceptedContents:Ensure the equal representation and meaningful participation of women and girls from all religious and ethnic groups in all decision-making processes affecting their lives.
State Under Review:AfghanistanAfghanistanRegional groupAsia-Pacific GroupPolitical groupOICSource Of Reference:SenegalSenegalRegional groupAfrica GroupPolitical groupAUOICOIFIssue:
- Women's and / or girls' rights
Type:RecommendationSession:46th Session, April 2024Status:AcceptedContents:Improve access to education, particularly for women and girls.