Serbia-29th Session, January 2018-Marginalized groups of women

National Report

Para 124) Social dialogues held in the period May 2021-July 2022: • "Bilingual STEM female scientists"

State under Review
UN Compilation

Para 88) The United Nations country team noted that the 2020–2024 Strategy for Improving the Position of Persons with Disabilities had been adopted in 2021, but expressed concern over the adequacy of the corresponding action plan in terms of the barriers that women with disabilities faced in sexual and reproductive health protection.

Para 95) The United Nations country team stated that Roma in Serbia were in a vulnerable position and experienced intersecting forms of discrimination. Gender-based violence and child marriage disproportionately affected Roma women. Older Roma women were among the most vulnerable groups in society and research had found that very few older Roma women had ever reported gender-based violence.