Serbia-29th Session, January 2018-Gender equality

National Report

Para 10) The newly established MHMRSD, the Ministry for Family Care and Demography, and the Ministry for Rural Care (2020) achieved continuity in their work,

Para 30) For the year 2023, NAPA improved training programmes in the field of human rights protection, both for the public administration and for local self-government units. Special attention is paid to … training of persons in charge of gender equality,

Para 99) The Law on Gender Equality defines and prohibits multiple discrimination and intersectional discrimination.

Para 132) The priority of MHMRSD was the adoption of the Law on Gender Equality. A series of social dialogues was held on the starting points for drafting this Law in the field of labour, employment and entrepreneurship, education, science and culture, in the field of social policy and healthcare, as well as the participation of women in political and public life. Para 133) This law, which was adopted in May 2021, envisages a number of innovative solutions. The first report on its application was submitted and is publicly available on the MHMRSD website.

Para 134) Annual reports on the state of protection and gender equality for the years 2019 and 2020, as well as reports on the achievement of gender equality, are published on the website of the MHMRSD.

Para 135) Women are still a sensitive group in the Employment Strategy of the R Serbia for the period 2021-2026 and they are the beneficiaries of additional, intensive and integrated support on the labour market.

Para 136) The Strategy for Gender Equality for the period from 2021 to 2030 was adopted with the AP for the period 2022-2023.

Para 137) In the Report on the Achievement of Gender Equality in the R Serbia for the year 2021, among other things, it was stated that ending with 31 August, 2021, women, as holders of commercial family farms, within the IPARD II programme (Measure 1 and Measure 7), submitted a total of 404 requests in the amount required costs of 54,715,025 EUR. 194 requests were approved (11,825,026 EUR), and 137 were paid in the amount of 5,264,832 EUR, of which the EU contribution was in the amount of 3,948,624 EUR.

Para 138) In the Gender Equality Index for the R Serbia (2021) is stated that the domain of money shows fluctuating tendencies - first an increase and then a decrease in the value of the index - in 2018 it was 59.7, which is at the same time higher than the initial value by 0.6 points. In the Report on the Exercise of Gender Equality in the R Serbia for the year 2021, it is stated that, according to the SORS data, the average monthly salary in the R Serbia in September 2021, expressed by gender (men/women), differs in gross and net amounts, in favour of men. Reducing the salary gap between women and men on the labour market in all sectors and increasing the participation of women in highly paid jobs is planned as a measure in the Strategy for Gender Equality for the period 2021-2030.

Para 139) Two more social dialogues devoted to gender equality were held: "The State of Gender Equality in the R Serbia" and "Dialogue for the Future".

State under Review
UN Compilation

Para 78) The United Nations country team noted that the cabinet appointed in 2020 had achieved full gender parity, including a female Prime Minister. Following the 2022 general election, 38.15 per cent of Members of Parliament were women. At the local level, only 12 per cent of elected mayors were women.

Para 79) The United Nations country team also noted the high disparity in the socioeconomic status of women across the country and economic sectors, which was reflected by the lower labour market participation of women. Economic analysis of the monetary value of unpaid care work, primarily performed by women, had shown that its contribution to gross domestic product was about 21 per cent.