Source of Reference
State under Review
CEDAW recommended that the Bahamas adopt specific legislation, incorporating a gender dimension, to govern refugee and asylum-seeking processes; apply a gender-sensitive approach to receiving asylum-seeking women and considering asylum claims so that such women were protected from exploitation and abuse while in custody and had access to appropriate health care and other services; take less coercive alternative measures when addressing women seeking asylum or refugee status or who had entered the country irregularly, and use detention only as a last resort; take measures to improve the social and economic situation of refugee, asylum-seeking and migrant women and women of Haitian descent in order to eliminate their vulnerability to multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and violence, and provide them with access to basic services; and ensure that a gender-sensitive approach was applied to the asylum claims of women and girls and provide refugee, asylum-seeking and migrant women with free legal counselling on the procedures available for obtaining legal status in the Bahamas and documents relating to nationality. [Para 60]
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