Brazil-27th Session May 2017-Sexual and / or reproductive rights and / or health broadly

National Report
Para 65) Since the beginning of the current administration, the Executive branch has acted firmly to reduce teen pregnancy. It has had significant outcomes in this endeavor, such as the approval, in 2019, of the law that created the National Week of Teen Pregnancy Prevention (Law n. 13,798, from January 3rd, 2019), in the first week of February. The government has also succeeded in approving Law n. 13,811, in 2019, which raises the minimum age for marriage to 16 years. In 2020, the advertising campaign to prevent teenage pregnancy “All in its time” sought to offer scientific information, as well as to encourage teenagers to consider factors such as affection and to seek family involvement and support when reflecting on their professional and future projects. Para 124) The National Plan for the Primary Prevention of Early Sexual Risk and Adolescent Pregnancy contributed to reduce early pregnancy in Brazil by 18% per year since 2019.
State under Review
Stakeholder Summary
Para 48) Several submissions reported setbacks in sexual and reproductive health services in particular with regard to legal abortion with budget reductions, explicit demonization and tactics that included persecution of health professionals, resumption of the debate on the issue of the unborn child and propagation in intentional disinformation. Criola and the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM) highlighted that criminalized abortion was one of the main causes of maternal death in Brazil. Para 49) … JS1 indicated that LGBTQIA+ people in the prison system faced a lack of access to health care, in particular mental and sexual health, … Para 58) The Anglican Consultative Council (ACC) stated that women’s rights, especially sexual and reproductive rights, had been severely attacked.
UN Compilation
Para 38) The United Nations country team expressed concern regarding sexual and reproductive rights in Brazil, due to disinformation campaigns; legislative measures aimed at tailoring “age-appropriate” sex education; and attempts to hinder programmes and governmental bodies responsible for the implementation of sexual and reproductive rights policies. Para 39) On the basis of information from the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, the United Nations country team reported that, on average, people of African descent had lower life expectancy and that indigenous people experienced difficulties in accessing social services. Although cases and deaths related to HIV/AIDS had decreased between 2017 and 2019, people of African descent had been disproportionally affected by sexually transmitted infections, especially HIV