Brazil-27th Session May 2017-Early marriage, Forced marriage

National Report
Para 65) Since the beginning of the current administration, the Executive branch has acted firmly to reduce teen pregnancy. It has had significant outcomes in this endeavor, such as the approval, in 2019, of the law that created the National Week of Teen Pregnancy Prevention (Law n. 13,798, from January 3rd, 2019), in the first week of February. The government has also succeeded in approving Law n. 13,811, in 2019, which raises the minimum age for marriage to 16 years. In 2020, the advertising campaign to prevent teenage pregnancy “All in its time” sought to offer scientific information, as well as to encourage teenagers to consider factors such as affection and to seek family involvement and support when reflecting on their professional and future projects.
State under Review
UN Compilation
Para 31) UNESCO reported that Law No. 13811 (2019) set the minimum age of marriage for girls at 18 years, but marriage was permissible from the age of 16 with the authorization of both parents or the legal representatives of the child.