Ecuador-27th Session May 2017-Gender equality

National Report
Para 25) The 2021–2025 Opportunity Creation Plan18 provides for the eradication of all forms of discrimination and violence against women. In November 2021, the State recognized the promotion and defence of gender equality and the empowerment of women in the social, economic and political spheres as a national priority. Para 70) … a campaign called “There is No Democracy without You” is being carried out to promote the participation of women and young people in the 2023 local elections. Para 87) The 2021–2025 Opportunity Creation Plan75 seeks to generate more and better jobs, especially for women and young people, by promoting entrepreneurship, investment, a stronger production base and tourism.
State under Review
Stakeholder Summary
Para 4) The Office of the Ombudsman noted that the amendments to the Democracy Code (2020) had made it compulsory for a minimum percentage of women to be included at the top of multi-person candidate lists. That minimum percentage would increase progressively from 15 per cent by 2021, to 30 per cent by 2023 and to 50 per cent by 2025. In 2021, only 38 per cent of the seats in the National Assembly had been occupied by women, a lower percentage than that recorded in 2013.
UN Compilation
Para 36) CEDAW noted with concern that the unemployment rate among women was 1.5 times higher than among men. Para 41) CEDAW noted that the economic crisis in Ecuador had been exacerbated by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and that the austerity measures that had been adopted had had a disproportionate impact on women. Para 63) [CEDAW] noted the adoption of the 2020 reform of the Democracy Code, which required that 50 per cent of candidates be women by the 2025 elections.