Indonesia-27th Session May 2017-HIV and AIDS

National Report
Para 100) Combating HIV/AIDS remains a national priority, with the MoH accelerating access to antiretrovirals/ARVs. Meanwhile, JKN-KIS covers treatment for diseases caused by complications stemming from AIDS.
State under Review
UN Compilation
Para 35) The Special Rapporteur on the right to health noted that … Certain population groups faced discrimination and specific challenges in realizing their right to health, such as … persons living with HIV/AIDS. Para 37) [The Special Rapporteur on the right to health] also noted that existing normative, policy and institutional frameworks acted as serious barriers to access to treatment and services, hindering the effectiveness of the HIV response. Stigmatization and discrimination, particularly in health-care settings, were major barriers preventing key populations from obtaining access to treatment and services. Consequently, such populations tended to avoid health services. Para 79) The Special Rapporteur on the right to health noted that ethnic Papuans were currently twice as likely to have HIV/AIDS than the rest of the population, and that rates of infection were on the rise in Papua.