Ghana-28th Session November 2017-HIV and AIDS

National Report
Para 88) Through a multi-sectoral consultative process, the Ghana AIDS Commission has successfully developed a new National HIV & AIDS Strategic Plan (NSP 2021-2025) to help guide its continuous fight against the HIV and AIDS pandemic, with the goal of achieving epidemic control and the fast-track targets of 95-95-95 by 2025. The NSP 2021-2025 also supports the achievements of the objectives of the National HIV and AIDS Policy (2016). Para 89) The NSP 2021-2025 identified the following new areas as critical for the national HIV response: (i) Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW): Providing HIV combination prevention for AGYW and their partners; (ii) PrEP and PEP: Providing PrEP and PEP for Key Populations (KPs) and persons exposed to HIV; (iii) HIV Self-Testing (HIVST): Making this service available particularly for KP and AGYW with the participation of the private sector; and (iv) Integration of other health services: Taking HIV out of isolation to improve universal health coverage. Para 90) In terms of the implementation arrangement, the national response adopted a multisectoral approach involving the public sector Ministries, Department and Agencies, private for profit entities, civil society and faith-based organizations. The response is coordinated at the national, regional and district levels by the Ghana AIDS Commission Secretariat, Technical Support Unit and District Assemblies respectively. Para 91) In the effort to ensure no-one is left behind in the national HIV response, the following key actions were undertaken: (a) Developed and implementing a Strategic Plan for a Comprehensive Response to Human Rights-related Barriers to HIV and TB Services in Ghana, 2020-2024. The goal of the Plan is to remove human rights-related barriers to HIV and TB services, and to improve access to quality HIV and TB healthcare and support services through pragmatic implementation strategies. (b) Constituted a Human Rights Steering Committee to exercise oversight and coordinate the implementation of the National HIV & TB Human Rights Strategic Plan 2020- 2024 and other related human rights issues. Para 92) An integrated Bio-behavioural Surveillance Survey (IBBSS) for Female Sex Workers (FSW) and men sleeping with men (MSM) conducted in 2019. The FSW IBBSS reported 4.3% prevalence among an estimated population of 60,000 FSW nationwide. Similarly, the Men’s Study II conducted in 2018 reported an HIV prevalence of 18.3% among an estimated population of 54,000. Similar surveys were conducted within the prison community and report of a prevalence of 2.3%. Para 93) The Ghana AIDS Commission Act, (Act 938) establishes an HIV and AIDS Fund to ensure sustainable domestic financing of the HIV and AIDS response, and also provides for the protection of the human rights and safety of persons living with HIV and those with high risk of HIV infection under the non-discrimination provisions. Para 94) In an effort to enhance the quality of service provision to key and vulnerable populations, Standard Operative Procedures (SOPs) were developed to provide guidance for the rollout of a standard package of service by all implementing partners to all key and vulnerable populations. Para 95) To effectively meet the needs of all persons, the Differentiated Care Model was adopted, through which clinical services were delivered across all levels of the health service spectrum (tertiary, regional, districts, sub-districts, and CHPS Compound).
State under Review
UN Compilation
Para 10) The United Nations country team noted that recent legislative attempts revealed a progressive attitude towards establishing an institutional framework to support human rights. A relevant example was the AIDS Commission Act 2016 (Act 938) and its legislative instrument (2403) of 2020, which sought to promote human rights in the HIV/AIDS response.