Source of Reference
State under Review
The European Region of the International Lesbian and Gay Federation strongly supported efforts made by State institutions to draft and push for adoption of these documents. However, some views of Bosnia and Herzegovina on recommendations received from Member States are problematic. Especially, the Entity government of Republika Srpska is constantly blocking any chance of drafting and adoption of any kind of strategic documents on the State level, in relation to human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including but not limited to issues related to the equality of LGBTI persons. Republika Srpska authorities stated in six places in the document that presents views of Bosnia and Herzegovina on received recommendations, that only entities have the competence to regulate human rights issues, even though these recommendations are listed as accepted or in the process of implementation. This dissenting opinion was a concern and a clear sign that the civil society will probably have to advocate for the same recommendations in the next universal periodic review cycle as well. It was also stated that the recommendation given by Iceland to pass and implement laws that would recognize same-sex partnerships and define the rights and obligations of cohabiting couples in same-sex unions is in the process of implementation. It informed that only the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has adopted a conclusion to establish a working group but only to conduct analysis of current regulations regarding same-sex couples in the entity. This conclusion was adopted in October 2018, but the working group members were appointed in January 2020, 15 months after the conclusion was adopted. The other two entities did not take similar action in this regard. [Para 903]
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