UPR Sexual Rights Database

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UN Member State that is reviewed on its human rights record as part of the UPR process.

Categories of the types of information used during reviews

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Source of Reference

Recommending State

UN Member State or Permanent Observer making sexual rights related recommendations, comments or asking questions to the State under Review.

Review Documentation

Sources of information used as the basis for a State’s review.  Includes the State’s National Report, UN Compilation Report and a Stakeholder Summary.

UN Regional Group to which State under Review belongs.

UN Regional Group to which Recommending State belongs.

This will only match recommendations where the Source of Review is a State.

Implementation notes

State responses to recommendations and issues raised in the UN Compilation and Stakeholder summary.

Displaying 49501 - 49525 of 58126 recommendations found
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    UN Compilation

    • Violence against women / gender-based violence
    Review Documentation
    39th Session, November 2021
    Reference Addressed
    The country team recommended that the Government continue to strengthen the capacity of and support to officials who were in contact with vulnerable individuals to conduct referrals and/or provide available services. [Para 85]
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    UN Compilation

    • Family planning
    • Contraception
    • Sexual and / or reproductive rights and / or health broadly
    Review Documentation
    39th Session, November 2021
    Reference Addressed
    [CEDAW] recommended that the State provide access to safe and affordable contraceptives, family planning services and adequate information on sexual and reproductive health. [Para 65]
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    National Report

    • Sexual harassment
    • Gender equality
    Review Documentation
    11th session, May 2011
    "The Government installed the National Committee on Gender Legislation. This
    Committee consisted of various departmental representatives and non-state actors,
    including representatives of the University of Suriname and women’s organizations. This
    Committee has prepared the Draft law on Stalking, the Draft Law on Sexual Harassment,
    and the Draft Law on Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace. The law on
    Stalking is now presented to the Parliament for approval. [Para 39]"
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    National Report

    • Women's participation
    Review Documentation
    11th session, May 2011
    "Until now the measures taken and the consultations conducted have resulted in
    strengthening the infrastructure for the promotion of women rights and combating their
    violation. The following is among the decisions taken:
    • The participation of women in development has increased (in companies, at the
    ministries and other domestic institutions);
    • Women are in charge of the National Assembly, both the Speaker of the Assembly
    as well as the Deputy Speaker are females;
    • The judiciary has been strengthened with female judges. The judiciary now consists
    of nine male and ten female judges;
    • The participation of females as entrepreneurs in the different areas of development is
    • The legal infrastructure has, with the addition of new regulations and laws been
    updated; likewise the institutional infrastructure got a couple of additional
    institutions to assist victims of violence. [Para 62]"
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    UN Compilation

    • Sex work / "prostitution"
    • Trafficking in women and / or girls
    Review Documentation
    11th session, May 2011
    "[CEDAW urged Suriname: to adopt necessary legislation and develop a comprehensive anti-trafficking strategy and plan of action to combat that phenomenon; and to pursue a holistic approach in addressing the question of prostitution
    and, in particular, to provide women and girls with education and economic alternatives to prostitution.] CEDAW recommended that, in those matters, Suriname pay special attention to the situation of Maroon women. [Para 23]"
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Political group
    • International human rights instruments
    25th session, May 2016
    Continue and accelerate efforts towards ratification of the CRPD.
    National Report:
    Para 12) Suriname acceded to the CRPD on 29 March, 2017.
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Political group
    • Discrimination based on sexual orientation
    • Discrimination based on gender identity
    25th session, May 2016
    Take all necessary steps to adopt legislative and other measures to explicitly prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Political group
    • International human rights instruments
    25th session, May 2016
    Unclear Response
    Ratify OP-ICESCR.
    Noted. Ratification of the conventions and protocols referred to in aforementioned recommendations (135.1-135.21) requires further national consultation and modification of legislation and policies to comply with the obligations contained in these instruments.
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    UN Compilation

    • Gender equality
    • Women's and / or girls' rights
    Review Documentation
    25th session, May 2016
    The Human Rights Committee remained concerned that discriminatory legislation in relation to gender remained in force. It recommended that Suriname expedite the revision of the Identity Act and the Personnel Act to repeal or amend provisions that were inconsistent with the Covenant, including those that discriminated on the basis of gender. [Para 18]
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Political group
    • HIV and AIDS
    11th session, May 2011
    Strengthen further national policies against HIV/AIDS, aiming at universal access to prevention, treatment, care and support.
    "National Report:
    Para 80) With regard to detainees’ right to medical treatment, the Government emphasized that with respect to a suspected case of HIV, medical examination is done after consultation with the prison physician. As concerns TBC, there is a program to annually screen all the detainees and prisoners. Suspect cases will be separated and the involved detainees will be transferred to other locations (jail, prison or medical center) and receive treatment. The penitentiary official is not trained to handle or deal with mentally ill detainees. For these cases, professional psychiatric help will be made available.

    Para 81) The Ministry of Health has developed significant policies and plans of actions, aimed at increasing access for women to health, guided by a human rights based approach and a gender perspective, i.e. the National Strategy Plan HIV 2004-2008 and 2009-2013; the plan for 2014-2020 is in preparation; the National Strategic Plan Renewal and Strengthening of Primary Health Care 2014-2018; Safe Motherhood and Neonatal Health Action Plan, based on the Safe Motherhood Needs Assessment 2014 and the National Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policy of Suriname, 2013-2017.

    Para 82) Although evaluation of the National Strategy Plan HIV 2009-2013 has shown that steps have been made forward, especially in the sustainability of funding for the response (Anti-Retroviral medication is fully funded by the government), challenges still remain. The biggest challenge lies in increasing awareness and establishing responsible behavior in general, but particularly in identified vulnerable groups such as youth, men having sex with men, and sex workers. To guarantee good health, the emphasis in the general policy will be on behavioral change and integrate HIV in communication to stop the alarming rise of chronic diseases.

    Para 83) A third HIV National Strategic Plan (NSP) for the period 2014-2020 is in draft. This is mentioned in the report ‘Suriname AIDS Response Progress Report 2015', which has been forwarded by the Ministry of Health to UNAIDS. The NSP is aligned with national development and health sector strategies, and is based on regional and international recommendations. The focus of the third HIV-NSP is on the achievement of Universal Access, with priority areas such as prevention and treatment and care. In addition, cross cutting issues such as multi-sectoral coordination and cooperation, integration, capacity building, strategic information and human rights and equality, are taken into account."
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Political group
    • Violence against women / gender-based violence
    • Gender perspective in policies, programmes
    39th Session, November 2021
    Unclear Response
    Implement a multisectoral policy approach, aiming at enhancing and guaranteeing the provision of professional gender-based violence services, especially in rural areas.
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Political group
    • Gender equality
    11th session, May 2011
    Promote effectively equality between men and women.
    "National Report:
    Para 9) In 2013, about forty (40) teachers from the upper secondary level were trained in gender and gender-related issues, including eliminating gender stereotypes.

    Para 11) The Ministry of Home Affairs financially supports NGOs’ projects to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women. For example, in the District of Marowijne topics such as gender and gender equality were presented to the public by youth educators during a festival of art and culture. In the District of Nickerie information on gender equality was provided to the public by staff of the National Bureau for Gender Policy, during a Mini Bazaar, organized by the Sari Foundation. In 2015, male students from Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) received training in the prevention of and taking responsibility in cases of teen pregnancy. They also received information about gender, while the aspect of equality between men and women was emphasized.

    Para 12) The National Bureau for Gender Policy annually organizes awareness raising activities such as the publication of articles in daily newspapers, essay competitions, drawing competitions, promotion of slogans related to gender and gender based violence targeting various groups using bracelets, invoices of public utilities and paychecks of all civil servants through the Central Bureau of Mechanical Administration (Cebuma). These activities are conducted within the framework of Sixteen Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, during the period from November 25th (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to December 10th (Human Rights Day). The awareness raising activities are not only carried out in the capital Paramaribo but also in the rural districts.

    Para 15) The Ministry of Justice and Police is in the process of drafting legislation to revise the Civil Code to address the situation in which women employed by companies in the private sector without the benefit of a Collective Labor Agreement, have no legal coverage for maternity leave services by their employers. Paid maternity leave for the private sector has been added to the draft Civil Code. Some companies have included paid maternity leave in their Collective Labor Agreement. For civil servants, paid maternity leave is covered by law.

    Para 16) In 2013 and 2014, a couple of staff members of the National Bureau for Gender Policy received training in the following: gender equality and gender mainstreaming; development of gender indicators and the collection of data on gender; and conducting a survey. In 2014, the gender focal points of the various ministries, together with the UNDAP chairs, were also trained in a basic training on gender equality and gender mainstreaming.

    Para 17) In 2015, the National Bureau for Gender Policy, was renamed the Bureau Gender Affairs (Staatsblad (S.B.) 2015, no. 33). The Bureau continues to improve its internal workings, and currently, the organizational structure with its various positions are being reviewed.

    Para 20) In 2013, the Ministry of Home Affairs installed the Commission on Legislation on Gender, comprising of representatives of various ministries, civil society including women’s organizations, and the Anton de Kom University of Suriname. The Commission was tasked with, among others, identifying gender discriminatory laws and regulations, and proposing amendments to them. In January 2016, a working group was installed to amend the Personeelswet (Act on the regulation of the legal status of civil servants). With respect to government issued ID-cards, no act exists that regulates this.

    Para 21) In 2014, Suriname’s National Assembly amended the Act on Regulation of the Surinamese Nationality and Residency (S.B. 2014 no. 121). Previous language of this Act was in violation of international standards, by differentiating in the treatment of men and women with respect to acquiring and losing the Surinamese nationality through marriage and divorce, enabling only non-national women (not men) who marry a Surinamese man to become a Surinamese national. The 2014 amendment reverses decades of gender discrimination in nationality laws. It brings Surinamese law in line with international standards, in particular, article 9 (1) and (2) of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), by removing all differentiations between men and women with respect to acquiring and losing the Surinamese nationality.

    Para 22) The 2014 Amendment of the Act on Nationality and Residency also changed the situation with regard to the nationality of children. Until then, the child of a Surinamese woman, born out of wedlock, not legally recognized by the father, but born in Suriname, could acquire the Surinamese nationality. Born elsewhere, such child would be stateless. The child of a Surinamese man acquired Surinamese nationality regardless of its place of birth. These prior provisions were in violation of CEDAW, Article 9 (2). According to the 2014 Amendment, a child is now granted Surinamese nationality automatically if its father or mother is of Surinamese nationality at the time of its birth (Article 3 (a) as amended), while the other conditions for a woman to confer her nationality to her child have been removed. The explanatory memorandum to the Act states that this amendment “demonstrates the full equality of men and women (father and mother) before the Act in the establishment of the nationality of the child at birth”. Article 3 (c) of the 2014 Act retains the provision of granting Surinamese nationality to any child born on the territory who would otherwise be stateless, and Article 4 (b) retains the provision granting Surinamese nationality to foundlings or abandoned children in the country, whose parents are unknown.

    Para 24) Amendment of articles 15 (2), 41, 57, and 73 (1) of the Election Act, took place in March 2005. The list of candidates and the election register no longer automatically register married women or widows under the name of their husband or late husband. Women are now being registered under their maiden name and have an option to make a special request to add their husband’s name. During the general elections of 2010, for the first time one-thousand three-hundred and sixty (1360) married women made use of this option and registered under their maiden name, adding the name of their husband, while another 297 registered adding the name of their late husband.

    Para 25) Draft legislation on ‘Sexual harassment at the Workplace’ has been formulated as a combined effort of the Ilse Henar Foundation for Women’s Rights (NGO) and the National Bureau for Gender Policy of the Ministry of Home Affairs, and as a result of the 3 year program (2008–2011) on the prevention and elimination of sexual harassment at the workplace, as implemented by the Foundation. Discussion on the draft is continuing at several national platforms, involving all relevant stakeholders.

    Para 27) The Gender Work Plan has been formulated and contains six priority areas: decision-making, education, health, labor, income and poverty, and violence (domestic violence and sexual violence). The Gender Work Plan 2013 is currently being evaluated

    Para 29) In February and June of 2012, the National Assembly organized round table discussions aimed at sensitizing members of parliament and leaders and representatives of political parties, including women representatives, on the empowerment of women in political parties and the involvement of women in decision-making structures and at mobilizing commitment to the candidacy of women in the general elections of 2015. As an outcome of both workshops, the Speaker of the House, a female herself, commissioned the political parties to develop an action plan.

    Para 30) In 2014, the National Assembly carried out the project ‘More women in decision-making 2015’. The purpose of the project was to mobilize commitments from political parties to nominate more women as candidates for parliament, in management positions or political administrative positions; to strengthen self-confidence and self-awareness of politically active women within political parties or potential female candidates (how to present yourself); increase awareness on the importance of having more women in politics. The activities in this regard included roundtable discussions on “Gender and Politics” with political parties represented in parliament; training sessions with politically active women and potential female candidates; and exposure of female candidates for parliament.

    Para 31) The major aim of the activities was to strengthen the capacity of women within the political parties and to increase the number of women in decision-making bodies after the elections in 2015. In the period 2014-2015, the project ‘More female leadership in 2015’, aimed at encouraging the increase of female leadership at the political administrative level, and in the private sector, was carried out by STAS International (NGO), supported by the Ministry of Home Affairs. The development of a database of highly educated women was part of this project.

    Para 32) As a result of above-mentioned activities, parliament saw an increase of female members as follows. At the 2010 general elections, the number of women elected to the National Assembly was 5 out of 51 seats (10% female, 90% male). After the general elections held in May 2015, 13 women were elected out of 51 seats (25% female, 75% male).

    Para 33) After the elections of May 2015, the Bureau for Gender Affairs sent an open letter to the media, calling upon the new government to nominate and appoint women on equal terms with men to various public decision-making positions, in view of the principles of democracy.

    Para 34) In the public sector a fixed salary is maintained for officials with similar job functions and positions as mandated by the Functie Informatie Systeem Overheid (FISO). Private companies with a Collective Labor Agreement also have wage ranges. With regard to small companies, mostly family-owned, it is unclear how the wage structure looks like. Measures to increase employment opportunities are directly related to poverty reduction. To eradicate poverty and strengthen social protection, a national social security system has been established through the adoption and implementation, in 2014, of three (3) social laws, namely the Minimum Hour Wage Act, the National Pension Benefits Act and the National Basic Health Insurance Act. Major beneficiaries of these interventions are women, considering they are over-represented in lower income groups, and considering the growing number of female heads of households.

    Para 35) The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture has promoted a number of policies and actions aimed at eliminating factors which tend to perpetuate gender inequalities. The Basic Education Improvement Project (BEIP) management, e.g., has been instructed to include gender equality in the implementation of BEIP II 2012-2016. In 2012 and 2013, information on gender and gender related violence was provided to students from junior and senior secondary schools by the Foundation Stop Violence Against Women, at the request of the Ministry of Home Affairs. Religious leaders and teachers from secondary schools received training in gender and gender related issues, such as domestic violence, from the Bureau for Gender Affairs.

    Para 36) Teachers have been trained by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture on gender and human rights, to enable them to play an effective role in the Basic Life Skills Program. The Advanced Teacher Training Institute (IOL) teaches the subject Gender, Power and Culture within the course Dutch Language. In 2013, the government hired expertise from NGOs, in particular the ‘Foundation Projekta’, to provide gender training. Text books and illustrations related to different disciplines (history, nature education, and geography) have been revised in order to present a more gender balanced perspective. The Bureau for Gender Affairs and several NGOs are also addressing the issue of gender stereotyping. Projekta, e.g., has developed gender awareness materials for radio and television, and disseminates these through NGO partners and the government.

    UN Compilation:
    Para 16) Concerning universal periodic review recommendation 73.23, UNHCR welcomed the decision by Suriname to amend Law No. 4 of 24 November 1975 on Nationality and Residence to ensure gender equality in the transmission of nationality. According to UNHCR, in July 2014, the National Assembly of Suriname had passed the Draft Law on Nationality and Residency (Ontwerpwet op de Nationaliteit en het Ingezetenschap), amending the 1975 Law. The new law gave women the same right as men to confer their nationality to their spouses and introduced important safeguards to prevent statelessness due to loss of nationality.

    Para 17) In that regard, earlier in 2014, the Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice had sent a communication to Suriname, noting that legislation in Suriname discriminated against women in that children born abroad to unmarried parents acquired Surinamese citizenship by descent if their father was a Surinamese citizen but not if their mother was."
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Political group
    • Maternal health / morbidity / mortality
    • Right to health
    39th Session, November 2021
    Strengthen efforts to ensure adequate provision of prenatal and postnatal care to address the rates of infant, child and maternal mortality.
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    Republic of Korea

    Republic of Korea
    Regional group
    Asia-Pacific Group
    • Violence against women / gender-based violence
    • Domestic violence
    39th Session, November 2021
    Continue its endeavour to combat gender-based violence, including domestic violence, and ensure that shelters and health care services are accessible to all victims, especially to those from rural backgrounds.
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    United Kingdom

    United Kingdom
    Regional group
    Political group
    • Violence against women / gender-based violence
    • Domestic violence
    11th session, May 2011
    Continue its efforts to enhance the position of women and to provide protection from violence, including by the full implementation of the 2009 Law on Combating Domestic Violence.
    National Report:
    Para 10) In the same year, a training project named 'Intervention Domestic Violence religious leaders' was carried out. Eighty-eight (88) religious leaders from different religions (such as Christianity, Hinduism and Islam) were trained in topics such as domestic violence, the act in combating domestic violence, gender and human rights. In 2014, a three-day information session was held for young members of religious organizations, with the engagement of ten (10) religious leaders selected from the 2013 training 'Intervention Domestic Violence Religious Leaders'. During this session, the religious leaders shared information about domestic violence in relation to gender, religion and human rights. An additional objective was to enable the religious leaders to disseminate information within and outside their respective communities.

    Para 13) A four-day training session 'Intervention Domestic Violence' was held in 2015, free of charge, for artists, media and personnel from the public relations departments of various ministries. In this training, coordinated by the Bureau Gender Affairs of the Ministry of Home Affairs, thirty (30) participants participated of which twenty (20) were women.

    Para 14) The ultimate goal of the training was to raise awareness among the participants regarding: domestic violence and the harm it causes; their critical approach in recognizing domestic violence in all its forms, and as a result; mobilizing colleagues in combating domestic violence. The participants were trained in subjects such as, what is domestic violence; the human rights and religious perspective on the approach of domestic violence; analysis of domestic violence statistics, etc. A direct result of this training was the publication of a column regarding domestic violence in a daily newspaper, written by one of the participants.

    Para 18) The Ministry of Justice and Police has executed awareness raising activities regarding domestic violence among the general public and has trained judges, prosecutors, social workers, and police and defense officials in the interpretation and implementation of the Act in Combating Domestic Violence. In 2013, officials and counselors were trained on the proper interpretation and implementation of the Act on Combating Domestic Violence. In various activities of the Bureau Gender Affairs, information was provided on the Act on Combating Domestic Violence.

    Para 19) Research regarding the nature and causes of violent behavior among male perpetrators has been conducted in the District of Nickerie, with the aim of gathering information for the development of intervention programs. In this research, twenty-eight (28) male perpetrators of domestic violence between the ages of 26 and 55 years and from different ethnic background, were interviewed. The research is currently in the final stage.

    Para 23) In 2015, the National Assembly revised the Penal Code. Some of the revisions improve the legal position of individuals, including women. Some amendments made are: the increased maximum penalty and exclusion of release on parole for certain offenses such as sexual offenses ...

    Para 26) On April 27, 2012 the Stalking Act was adopted. According to this Act, preventive measures can be taken by the Public Prosecutor to protect those who feel violated. With regard to stalking, one-hundred thirty-seven (137) cases were registered, in the period 2012 - 11 April 2014, at the Office of the Attorney General. Ten (10) cases were referred to the judge, restraining orders were granted for six (6) cases, twenty-six (26) cases were conditionally dismissed, and thirty-six (36) cases were settled by the Public Prosecutor.

    Para 28) In 2014, the 'National Policy Plan Structural Approach Domestic Violence 2014-2017' was formulated by the Steering Group Domestic Violence (in which officials from 6 ministries are represented) in collaboration with the Platform Approach Domestic Violence, which consists of representatives of relevant NGOs. The Ministry of Justice and Police has presented this plan for approval to the Council of Ministers.
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    UN Compilation

    • Sexual and / or reproductive rights and / or health broadly
    Review Documentation
    39th Session, November 2021
    Not Followed up with a Recommendation
    [CEDAW] also remained concerned about the lack of cardiovascular services and cancer screening for women outside Paramaribo, despite the high incidence of cardiovascular diseases and reproductive cancers, including breast, uterine and cervical cancer. [Para 59]
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    UN Compilation

    • Women's and / or girls' rights
    Review Documentation
    39th Session, November 2021
    Reference Addressed
    CEDAW recommended that the State adopt the draft law on the equal treatment of women and men and ensure that it included a definition of discrimination against women, including intersecting forms of discrimination, and prohibited direct and indirect discrimination in the public and private spheres, in line with article 1 of the CEDAW and the Committee’s previous concluding observations. [Para 13]
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    Stakeholder Summary

    • Sexuality education
    • Sexual and / or reproductive rights and / or health broadly
    Review Documentation
    39th Session, November 2021
    Reference Addressed
    JS1 noted the urgent need for a structural policy to ensure that adolescents are empowered and strengthened in making informed choices whilst exercising their sexual and reproductive health and rights. It stated that the policies must include in and out of school comprehensive sexuality education to contribute to the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values of adolescents enabling them to protect and/or enhance their health, well-being and dignity by making free, responsible and informed healthy lifestyle choices. [Para 57]
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    National Report

    • Gender equality
    Review Documentation
    11th session, May 2011
    "Suriname committed itself to ensure that all forms of discrimination against women are eliminated and that the
    principle of gender equality is included in its national legislation. Suriname is now preparing the 4th and 5th national report. [Para 32]"
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    National Report

    • Domestic violence
    Review Documentation
    11th session, May 2011
    "On May 05th of 2008 six ministries (Justice and Police, Home Affairs, Education
    and Community Development, Social Affairs and Public Housing, Regional Development
    and Health) have signed a cooperation agreement. The aim of this cooperation is to gear
    one’s policy better and to approach domestic violence in a structured manner. In this
    regard a Steering Committee has also been installed on May 05th of 2008. Some of the
    activities of this Steering Committee are to execute the cooperation between the six
    ministries and to set up a network of all the stakeholders in this field in order to approach
    domestic violence integrally. The cooperation is coordinated by the Ministry of Justice and
    Police. [Para 56]"
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    National Report

    • HIV and AIDS
    Review Documentation
    11th session, May 2011
    " Mid 2007 preparations started for a joint revue and revision of the NSP and 1st of
    December 2009 the NSP 2009–2013 was officially launched. Both NSP were developed as
    results based strategic frame works and based on a national and broad consultative process.
    The current five priorities of the NSP are:
    • National coordination, Policy and Capacity building
    • Prevention and further spread of HIV
    • Treatment, Care and Support
    • Reduction of stigma and discrimination of PLHIV
    • Strategic Information for policy development and service provision. [Para 113]"
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Political group
    • Gender equality
    • Women's participation
    25th session, May 2016
    Promote gender equality in law and in practice in order to increase the participation of women in the political and economic life of the country.
    National Report:
    Para 47) The Republic of Suriname continues to promote women’s empowerment through different activities.
    Para 48) During the period 2016–2020, as a follow-up from a Training of Trainers by WRC (a project organized by the Ministry of Home Affairs and UNDP) the Ministry of Home Affairs has provided training on gender, women's rights, violence and other gender-related issues.
    Para 49) Since 2016, gender is one of the topics included in the curricula of the annual courses of Civil Servants.
    Para 50) Installation of the Gender Platform in the district of Nickerie in February 2019. The Gender Platform Nickerie is a collaboration and consultation structure in which stakeholders (Government organizations, non-governmental organizations and individuals) address gender issues in the district to contribute to the achievement of gender equality in different areas and levels.
    Para 51) To eliminate gender biases and stereotypes regarding the roles and responsibilities of men and women in the family and society various activities have been carried out.
    Para 52) The legislative gaps related to the rights of women and concrete actions aimed at eliminating discrimination against women, the application of the principle of nondiscrimination and improve the rights of women and gender equality, including the participation of women in economic life have been addressed by the Government of Suriname as follows:
    Para 53) Suriname ratified the ILO core conventions: (a) the Equal Remuneration Convention (No. 100); and (b) the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention (No. 111) in January 2017.
    Para 54) The ratification resulted in the inclusion of the principle of non-discrimination in several labour laws enacted in the reporting period such as: (a) the Freedom of Associations Act (S.B. 2016 no. 151)1 ; (b) the Collective Bargaining Agreements Act (S.B. 2016 no. 152)2 ; (c) the Private Employment Agencies Act (S.B. 2017 no. 42)3 and; (d) the Labour Exchange Act 2017 (S.B. 2017 no. 67) .
    Para 55) The two latter laws are also based on the ILO Private Employment Agencies Convention (No. 181) which was ratified by Suriname. 56. The principle of equal pay for work of equal value was included in the legislation regarding the temporary agency workers (Private Employment Agencies Act based on the ILO Equal Pay Convention (No. 100).
    Para 57) On 11 April 2019, the principle of non-discrimination was incorporated in the Employment Protection Act for parenthood/families which was adopted in Parliament and entered into force on 18 June 2019, (S.B. 2019 no. 64) . The participation of women on the labour market was promoted by the introduction of mandatory maternity leave (16 weeks) and paternal leave (8 days), employment protection related to maternity and paternity leave and the labour conditions of pregnant and lactating women. In order to introduce more WorkLife-Balance in the world of work, which could benefit women who tend to accept relatively more specific family responsibilities, the Government of Suriname submitted the Bill Working Time to The National Assembly in 2019.
    Para 58) To promote safe working conditions and prevent discrimination in the workplace, two Bills were tabled in Parliament in 2019 namely: (a) the Bill on Equal Treatment in Employment ; and (b) the Bill on Violence and Sexual Harassment on the Workfloor .
    Para 59) In 2018, the Identity Cards (ID Cards) Act 2018, (S.B. 2019 no. 16) was approved by Parliament. This Act contains the rules for identifying citizens, manufacturing, issuing and withdrawing ID cards. With the entry into force of this law, the Identity Act of July 3, 1974 (G.B. 1974 no. 35, as last amended by S.B. 2002 no.19) and the implementing regulation based on this law were repealed. The Identity Annex I (S.B. 1976 no. 10) has been withdrawn. In 2018 a working group was established to revise discriminatory provisions in the Personnel Act (G.B. 1962 no. 195, as last amended by S.B. 1987 no. 93).
    Para 60) To raise awareness regarding equal opportunities and responsibilities for men and women, in order to abolish discrimination on the basis of gender which will lead to greater representation of women in positions of responsibility, the State has conducted some activities among others:
    Para 61) In 2016 the Bureau Gender Affairs (BGA) implemented various awareness-raising activities regarding the International Day of the Girl Child.
    Para 62) Governance and decision- making within private and public life is one of the seven priority areas identified in the Gender Vision Policy Document 2021-2035.
    Para 63) The Gender Vision Policy Document contains long term goals to be achieved within five to fifteen years.
    Para 64) Suriname does not have a legal quota system for the political decision-making apparatus and in particular The National Assembly. There was discussion on the possibility for introducing quota as a means to increase the number of women in decision-making positions. However, there are still different views on e.g. determining legal quota for appointments.
    Para 65) Various campaigns and projects have been carried out to encourage and increase participation of women in political structures. These activities were mainly carried out by NGOs and women’s organisations and took place prior to the 2015 and 2020 general elections. Activities related to women in the democratic process which were implemented were among others: (a) Project “More Women in Decision-making 2015”. (b) The “OokZij” Campaign of STAS International (2014-2015). (c) After the elections of May 2015, the Bureau Gender Affairs also collected and analyzed data on women’s political participation, including in appointed and elected positions.
    Para 66) In preparation of the 2020 elections, personnel of the Ministry of Home Affairs was trained in the period 2016 -2017 in the various election processes. This project “Training Institutional Strengthening Election Organization” was funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
    Para 67) Activities regarding the thematic area governance and decision – making are identified in the Gender Action Plan 2019-2020, which are among others, to achieve an increase of gender balance in staff of electoral structures, awareness on the importance of equal participation of men and women in political parties and Surinamese society as a whole as well as gender-friendly polling stations. However, due to lack of finances and COVID-19 measures some of these activities could not be implemented, whereas, the following was conducted: The NGO STAS International implemented an awareness campaign “Balance in 2020”, with support of the UNDP and the Dutch Embassy, with the aim to achieve balance (men/women and young/old candidates) on the candidates lists of the general elections of May 25, 2020. Live television debates with political organizations were also part of this awareness campaign.
    Para 68) Upon request of the BGA, the General Secretariat Elections of the Ministry of Home Affairs produced statistics on e.g. candidates, voters by sex, age, and district/resort.
    Para 69) As a post - election activity the BGA conducted a gender analysis on documents and other productions produced for the General Elections of May 2020 such as educational material, final report on the General elections, etc.
    Para 70) Measures to ensure gender equality and non-discrimination of women in all spheres particularly the presence of women and the eradication of gender discrimination in the labour market are among others: (a) The establishment of a Labour Market Information System, which is currently in progress. (b) The update of the Workers Registration Act.
    Para 71) The Republic of Suriname has conducted the following activities to implement outcome-oriented programmes to empower women’s participation in the workforce such as: (a) The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation (former Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism), and the Cooperative Savings and Credit Bank Godo, have signed a cooperation agreement in February 2019 to improve entrepreneurship in Suriname. (b) The workarms of the Ministry of Labour, Employment Opportunity and Youth Affairs (former Ministry of Labour) namely Foundation for Productive Works (SPWE) and Vocational Training Institute (SAO), the Council for Cooperatives (RACO) and Trustbank Amanah have agreed to a Public Private Partnership and an MOU has been signed in April 2019 to stimulate micro and small entrepreneurship. (c) The agricultural cooperation “Wi Uma fu Sranan” is the first women’s agro cooperation in Suriname (launched in February 2016). It consists of approximately 40 Maroon women. This cooperation aims at jointly developing the interior of Suriname by increasing employment opportunities for Maroon women and is active in the districts of Brokopondo, Saramacca, Para and Wanica. (d) Markets have been established where the fast majority of the vendors consists of female entrepreneurs among others: The craft market ‘Waterkant’, for the sale of handicraft products made by mainly Maroon and Indigenous women and the ‘Kwakoe Market’ for mainly Maroon women to offer their fruits and vegetables to the community. (e) The Suriname Agriculture Market Access Project (SAMAP) is being carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, Husbandry and Fisheries for a period of four (4) years to strengthen sustainable agricultural development in Suriname through more competitive and safe production and better access to the export market.
    Para 128) Within these development frameworks, several national plans and policies have been developed particularly including the focus on women, children and youth, such as: … (g) National Action Plan Trafficking, Gender Action Plan (2019-2020); (h) Gender Vision Policy Document (2021-2035);
    Para 129) To eradicate poverty and strengthen social protection, a National Social Security System has been put in place through the adoption and implementation of three (3) social laws namely the Minimum Hour Wage Act (S.B. 2014 no. 112), the General Pension Benefits Act (S.B. 2014 no. 113) and a National Basic Health Insurance Act (S.B. 2014 no. 114). Major beneficiaries of these interventions are women, considering their overrepresentation in lower income groups and the growing number of female heads of households.

    UN Compilation:
    Para 41) The ILO Committee of Experts noted that according to available World Bank statistics, youth unemployment levels remained high: 15.69 per cent in 2016 and 15.86 per cent in 2017.
    Para 42) The United Nations country team stated that young people and women had a disproportional higher unemployment rate. Available data were not collected nationally, but only for the districts of Paramaribo and Wanica. Vulnerability and impact in all 10 districts could therefore not be assessed. No specific action had been taken by the local government to empower women to compete in the labour market on an equal footing with men.
    Para 43) CEDAW noted with concern women’s unequal access to economic opportunities and the disproportionately high unemployment rate among women, in particular rural women, Maroon women and indigenous women.
    Para 52) The CEDAW noted with concern the extremely high poverty rate among rural women, Maroon women and indigenous women and their very limited access to basic services, including health services, education, clean water, adequate sanitation, energy and communications technologies.
    Para 58) CEDAW remained concerned about the inadequate funding of the health sector, resulting in women’s very limited access to basic health-care services, in particular for rural women, Maroon women and indigenous women, who often had to travel to Paramaribo to seek specialist medical treatment.
    Para 73) CEDAW remained concerned about limited access for girls from disadvantaged groups, including girls with disabilities, and significant disparities in enrolment rates between rural and urban areas, as well as the poor quality of elementary schools and the lack of secondary schools in rural areas.
    Para 74) CRC was seriously concerned about the large number of students who dropped out of school, in particular girls in the interior areas and boys nationally, and the large number of students repeating grades.
    Para 76) The CEDAW remained concerned about high drop-out rates, and expulsion rates, due to early pregnancy, and the tendency among young mothers to pursue vocational training instead of returning to school.
    Para 89) CEDAW reiterated its previous concern about the significant underrepresentation of women in political and public life, in particular in decision-making positions, including in the National Assembly and the Council of Ministers.

    Stakeholder Summary:
    Para 72) JS1 stated that women, girls, lesbian, bisexual and trans women, women living with HIV, sex workers and migrant women and girls in vulnerable situations experienced sexual and gender-based violence, discrimination and stigmatization in the private and the public domain. It stated that risk factors included young age, low educational level, pregnancy and early cohabitation with a male partner. In addition, social and cultural attitudes contributed significantly to maintaining entrenched gender roles within society.

  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Political group
    • Sexual exploitation / slavery
    • Trafficking in women and / or girls
    25th session, May 2016
    Reinforce efforts at legislative level and political measures to combat trafficking in persons for sexual and labour exploitation.
    National Report:
    Para 38) The maximum penalty for traffickers in and outside Suriname is life imprisonment according to the revised Penal Code. These penalties are made sufficiently stringent with respect to sex trafficking, commensurated with those prescribed for other serious crimes, such as rape. Article 334 of the Penal Code criminalizes sex trafficking and labour trafficking and prescribes penalties of up to nine years’ imprisonment and a fine of SRD 100,000 for offenses involving a victim 16 years of age or older, and up to 12 years’ imprisonment and a fine of SRD 100,000 for those involving a victim under the age of 16.
    Para 72) The State continues to intensify its efforts to protect children’s rights. This through the investigation of child sex trafficking cases, the prosecution of child sex trafficking offenders under the trafficking statute and the protection of child victims.

    UN Compilation:
    Para 34) CRC was seriously concerned that the State was a source, transit and destination country for children subjected to sex trafficking, in particular girls from Amerindian and Maroon communities in regions where mining and forestry operations were taking place. It was also seriously concerned about reports of children being coerced to engage in commercial sex, including sex tourism, and forced prostitution and forced labour in the State.

    Stakeholder Summary:
    Para 32) ECLJ stated that within Suriname, human traffickers targeted women and children for sexual exploitation as well as low-skilled labor jobs in the country’s interior mining regions. Women and girls were sexually exploited in the mining camps and were forced to work in brothels, bars, and strip clubs.
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:


    Regional group
    Political group
    • Sexuality education
    • Sexual and / or reproductive rights and / or health broadly
    25th session, May 2016
    Unclear Response
    Design and implement measures to ensure access to education and medical services in the area of sexual and reproductive health that are appropriate for each age group.
    UN Compilation:
    Para 61) [CRC] was seriously concerned about the high teenage pregnancy rate, the widespread prevalence of sexually transmitted infections among adolescents and the high rate of HIV infections, especially among adolescent girls. It was also seriously concerned about poor access to sexual and reproductive health care information and services.
    Para 64) CEDAW remained concerned about the high incidence of unsafe abortion and the absence of measures to implement the Committee’s previous recommendation to revise legislation criminalizing abortion.

    Stakeholder Summary:
    Para 55) JS1 stated that the Government did not guarantee universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights services and education.
    Para 59) JS1 stated that Suriname had no national comprehensive cervical cancer screening program that included a budgeted national cervical cancer control policy. It stated that this denied women the full enjoyment of the right to health and access to adequate sexual and reproductive health and rights services that met the availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality standards as set out by the CESCR.
  • State Under Review:


    Regional group
    Political group
    Source Of Reference:

    UN Compilation

    • Gender equality
    • Women's participation
    Review Documentation
    25th session, May 2016
    Reference Addressed
    The Human Rights Committee remained concerned that women continued to be significantly underrepresented in decision-making positions in the Cabinet and in local government, as well as in the private sector. It recommended that Suriname further strengthen its efforts to increase the participation of women in the political and public domains, if necessary through the adoption of temporary special measures. [Para 57]