Outcome Report >> Belarus, Review Documentation, 36th Session, November 2020

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State under Review
The Advocates for Human Rights (video statement) expressed concern that domestic violence remained a problem in Belarus. It noted that in 2018, one out of three women murdered were killed by family members. Domestic violence was not a crime and the President had vetoed stronger legislation. It also noted that victims might not report abuse for fear that their children would be taken away. Accountability was weak as police often detained perpetrators for only a few days. Laws created obstacles for women to divorce their abuser if they were pregnant or had a child in common under three. Protective orders lasted only three to 30 days. A victim must also experience two acts of violence within a single year before the court could issue a protective order. Emergency orders did not exist and it took three days to issue a protective order, during which time the victim was unprotected and vulnerable. It stated that victim services were inadequate. There were only five private shelters and a shortage of state-sponsored crisis rooms. A victim must have a referral to access these facilities. It further expressed concern about human rights abuses following the 2020 presidential elections. Women detained following the election had experienced sexual violence, threats of violence, and verbal abuse. Further, the Government targeted several women human rights defenders. It recommended that Belarus amend the Criminal Code to criminalize domestic violence, including breach of a protective order, and make these crimes subject to public prosecution. It recommended that Belarus allow victims to apply for emergency protective orders. It recommended that Belarus increase access to shelters and crisis rooms for all victims by removing the referral requirement and by providing adequate funding. It also recommended that Belarus take steps to ensure protection of freedom of expression and freedom from arbitrary deprivation of their liberty for women human rights defenders. [Para 442]
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