Stakeholder Summary >> Swaziland, Review Documentation, 39th Session, November 2021

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State under Review
JS9 regretted that due to widespread discrimination and stigmatization of sex workers by health care professionals, sex workers did not seek health care out, did not receive information on policies and decisions concerning them, and were rarely allowed to express their concerns. JS9 recommended ensuring protection and support to sex workers, including to those victims of violence, in line with the Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Act of 2018. JS9 also recommended ensuring meaningful consultations with sex workers in decision-making about laws and policies on sex work; organizing awareness-raising campaigns on sex workers’ rights; and ensuring that sex workers are covered HIV prevention and treatment services, and included in the COVID-19 programmes. UPRP-BCU recommended ensuring protection to female sex workers, and cooperating with NGOs in this regard. [Para 18]
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