Netherlands >> Albania, Recommendation, 19th session, May 2014

Source of Reference
State under Review
Develop programmes and policies that foster norms and attitudes of zero tolerance for harmful and discriminatory attitudes towards gender, including the preference for sons, which can result in harmful and unethical practices such as prenatal sex selection.
The National Strategy on Gender Equality, 2011-2015 and its Action Plan, provides: strengthening the legal and institutional mechanism; increasing participation of women in decision-making; economic empowerment of women and girls; reducing gender-based violence. Financial costs and funding sources are defined already for its implementation. These policies will address the needs of vulnerable groups of women, in disadvantage situations related to their disabilities, social and ethnic origin or sexual orientation. Awareness programs and campaigns are developing on the elimination of gender discrimination.

The 3-year strategy, on the education on prenatal sex selection, which will be implemented in the 2nd half of the year 2014, provides:
- Awareness campaigns, educational activities on prenatal sex selection and its long- term consequences;
- models and approaches to influence gender norms and practices within families and society;
- training of professionals related to selective abortion, and the disruption of birth ratio;
- strengthening the cooperation with civil society organizations;
- improvement of data monitoring system for the registration of births in health institutions.
Implementation notes
National Report:
Para 25) The United Nations country team noted that, according to national analytical studies and surveys, sex-selective abortions were still being performed in both private and public clinics without any serious legal or procedural barriers.
Reference type